Critter Guide
A Field Guide to the T & T Monsters as found in the Great Land
The following guide presents a closer look at the monsters and enemies that roam the Great Land. Although there is some world-specific information, most of this guide can be used in any T&T campaign.
Some of the monsters are original, some are straight out of "official" Tunnels & Trolls material (including supplementals), some from medieval bestiaries, some stolen from other games, and many are adapted from the now out-of-print trilogy All the World's Monsters edited by Jeff Pimper & Steve Perrin.
Where I have name credit for a creature, the contributors are noted.
Airsquid / MR: 2d6 × 15
Airsquids are great, helium-filled squids which lair in mountain peaks. They can grow to over 60 feet long. Anyone taking hits from an Airsquid must make a L2 DX SR or be enwrapped in the tentacles (L4 ST SR to get free). If it has enwrapped any victim and is still fighting others, there is a 50% chance that it will simply fly off with its meal.
Ant, Giant / MR: * swarms: 3d6 × 10
These ants are roughly mouse-sized driver ants.
Bandits / MR: 4d6
These can take the form of any sort of human or mixed rabble. They are generally poorly organized, poorly led, and poorly equipped (exceptions to this should be special developments by the GM). They may have no treasure at all; but on a roll of 9+ on 2d6, they have two rolls on the treasure generator and two on the special items table (whichmight be used in combat).
Bandit Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 3d6
Armor = d6-2
Atk = 2d + (d6 adds)
CON = 3d6+3
Armor = 2 × d6
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
Missile adds = 2d6; DX = 3d6
CON = 3d6+8
Armor = 2 × 2d6
Atk = 4d + (3d6 adds)
Missile adds = 3d6; DX = 5 + (3d6)
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: no specials
2: curare poison
3: rogue; has one 12 point TTYF
4: bruiser; +5 CON, +5 adds, 6d weapon
5: archer; +5 missile adds, +5 DX
6: add a 5 pt shield, and roll again
Banshee / MR: 3d6 × 5 undead
The Banshee is a strange and terrible spirit, who haunts wicked places and wicked people. They may only be struck with magic or silver. When the banshee wails, all in her presence must make a L2 IQ SR or flee in panic; all who take hits must make a L1 CON SR or be
frozen by paralysis.
Basilisk / MR: 2d6 × 10
The Basilisk is sometimes considered the king of the serpents. It resembles a fat cobra with a permanent hood and an oversized head graced with a crown of horns; it has four claws upon which it moves. The basilisk is an exceedingly dangerous creature even if you never
get close enough to fight it. It exudes a poisonous odor -- all in the vicinity must make a L1 CON SR every turn or lose 1d6 to ST. Its gaze carries a curious magical attack -- any one meeting the eyes of a basilisk must make a L2 IQ SR or momentarily burst into flames suffering (MR/5) damage.
Bat, Giant / MR: 2d6
These are normally only a threat to the wee folk.
Bat, Vampire / MR: * swarm: 3d6 × 5
These normally swarm only in defense; they generally attack singly, picking sleeping targets. Their victims can awaken on a L3 LK SR; otherwise they lose d6 ST points (recoverable).
Bear / MR: (d6 + 3) × 10
Bear, Cave / MR: (d6 + 7) × 10 armor: 10
Cave bears are exceptionally ferocious, and because of their bellicose nature, retain full fighting effectiveness until at least half of their MR is gone.
Bee, Giant / MR: (d6 × 10) + 30
The sting of a giant bee will do (MR/10) directly to CON unless a CON SR is made on L(MR/10).
Bee, Killer / MR: * swarms: *
A swarm of killer bees can be driven off by smoke or magic. Each person attacked makes a DX roll based on their armor, and if they miss, will take hits equal to how much they missed by:
no armor = L4
cuirass = L2
full = L1
Beetle, Giant / MR: d6 × 10
All giant beetle have armor equal to one fourth their MR. They may also have various special attacks, Roll 1D6:
1 no specials
2 massive pincers; one opponent must take any hits scored and they
are pinned -- they will take d6 points of crush each round they fail
to make ST SR (Level = MR/10) to free themselves.
3 caustic chemicals; all opponents must make a L1 ST SR or lose all
personal adds -- in any case, leather armor will be permanently reduced by one point.
4 stinger; poison causes immediate vomiting unless a L1 CON SR is
5 completely magic resistant.
6 vengeance; upon death its bodily juices form a terrible acid, capable of dissolving flesh and metal; plus roll one more time on this table.
Blutschink / MR: (d6 + 4) × 10
The Blutschink looks almost exactly like a bear, but is only a distant relation. It actually feeds by draining blood through its fangs. It will seek to pounce upon (or find sleeping) one victim -- if they fail a L3 ST or DX SR, they have been pinned and will be drained of d6 ST per round.
By Ken Pick, from German folklore
Centaurs / MR: 2d6 × 5
Centaurs are a noble, if somewhat arrogant, kindred. They are classed as "monsters" for their aloofness and an unfortunate penchant for highway robbery and the occasional armed excursions (these are often merely actions of self-defense, but it is not how the human
authorities will describe them). Wise folk know them to be intelligent, honorable, and to have a knack for healing and prophecy. They are justly feared, however, for their martial prowess -- on the few occasions when scattered bands of centaurs have formed into a
military unit, they have been nearly unstoppable. Being something like cavalry, they can charge into battle, which doubles their adds on the first round. For their personal stats, see the Kindreds section.
Centaur Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 3 × 3d6
Armor = d6+2
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
CON = 25 + 2d6
Armor = 2 × 2d6
Atk = 5d + (3d6 adds)
Missile adds = 3d6; DX = 3d6
1 in 6 will be a rogue (half armor, one 12-pt TTYF).
CON = 30 + 2d6
Armor = 2 × 3d6
Atk = 5d + (4d6 adds)
Missile adds = 4d6; DX = 10 + (3d6)
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: no special
2: marksman; +10 missile adds, DX = 20 + (3d6)
3: rogue; two 12-point TTYF's
4: rogue; half armor, Mana = 4d6, all spells through second level
5: bruiser; +5 CON, +5 armor, +5 adds, 6d weapon
6: roll twice (if you get rogue twice, add one level and 2d6 Mana)
Centipedes / MR: *
Centipedes will not sting unless provoked. The poison is painful -- unless a L2 CON SR is made, it will subtract d6 from IQ.
Chimera / MR: 2d6 × 10 (doubles add & roll over)
This is the classic Greek Chimera -- Lion's head, Goat's body, Serpent's tail. It can breath fire once per turn (Range = MR in feet; damage = dice + adds as if 1/3 MR).
Personalized Chimera Stats
ST × 4
IQ --
LK × 1/4
DX = 3
CHA × 5 (negative)
CON × 3
Mana × 3/4
Crow, Killer / MR: * swarm: 4d6 × 5
These birds are large, fairly intelligent, and determined to provide their own carrion.
Cyclops / MR: 2d6 × 10
Cyclops are generally smaller and smarter than the regular giants. They sometimes gather in small communities, and a few have constructed armor (40 points) and swords (8d+8) for themselves. they never use magic, but can hurl rocks up to 7d in size.
Personalized Cyclops Stats
ST × 4
IQ × 3/4
LK --
DX --
CHA × 4 (negative)
CON × 4
Mana na
Dog, Death Hound / CON:3d6, armor:2, atk:2d + (18+2d6 adds)
These mastiff-like creatures have wiry metallic hair, but are otherwise ordinary canines with a particular talent for violence.
By C. Bigglestone & D. Hargrave
Dogs, Wild / MR: 10
These run in packs of 2d6 animals.
Click here to see the full guide to dragons and dragon kin.
Dwarves / MR: 3d6 × 2
Dwarven brigands are rare, but not unheard of. More likely, dwarves from some small settlement will cause trouble by marching on their neighbors to settle some legal dispute. For their personal stats, see the Kindred section.
Dwarven Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 2 × 3d6
Armor = 2 × 2d6
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
CON = 2 × 4d6
Armor = 2 × 3d6
Atk = 4d + (3d6 adds)
Missile adds = 3d6; DX = 3d6
1 in 6 will have a 6d weapon.
CON = 2 × 4d6
Armor = 2 × 4d6
Atk = 5d + (4d6 adds)
Missile adds = 3d6; DX = 4d6
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: no special
2: curare poison
3: an extra 2d6 adds
4: full 40 points of armor
5: berserk; never fails morale, and is immune to charm-type magicks
6: roll twice
Elves, Dark / MR: 4d6
Dark Elves are not merely nasty High Elves -- Dark Elves have been corrupted to a point that resembles demonic possession. They are totally committed to the cause of evil. Their personal stats are the same as for High Elves.
Dark elf Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 2d6
Armor = d6
Atk = 3d + (3d6 adds)
CON = 3d6
Armor = 2 × d6
Atk = 4d + (3d6 adds)
Missile adds = regular adds + 2d6; DX = 15 + 2d6
1 in 6 is a rogue -- one 16-point TTYF
CON = 3d6+5
Armor = 2 × 2d6
Atk = 4d + (4d6 adds)
Missile adds = regular adds + 3d6; DX = 20 + (3d6)
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: no special
2: Spider Venom poison
3: marksman; +5 DX, +d6 missile adds
4: rogue; half armor, Mana = 4d6, all spells to second level
5: bruiser; +5 CON, +10 armor, 6d weapon
6: roll twice
Fish, Vampire / MR: 2d6
Vampire fish are a cross between pirañha and flying fish. Below the surface, they attack in swarms which will hit all targets with 2d6 damage (doubles add & roll over) each round. They will attempt to provide their own prey be leaping in great numbers out of the water to "buzz" small boats, seeking to knock an occupant into the water.
Each Vampire Fish has four large pearlescent incisor teeth which can be worth 2-10 gp each from a jeweler.
Ghost / CON: 2d6 × 5 undead
Ghosts attack either with standard magic spells or attribute drain (roll randomly for each ghost to determine which attribute), but some are relatively harmless. All persons facing a ghost must make a L2 IQ SR or panic, which halves their IQ & DX for the duration of the encounter. Ghosts can only be struck by magic or silver.
Some ghosts have only a Mental Attack; they will assault one victim with a Mental-MR equal to (2d6 × 2d6). The victim must fight back using Mental Combat ability [Warriors throw 3 dice, Warrior-Wizards & Kung Fu Fighters roll 4 dice, Wizards get one die per level, everyone else uses 2 dice; adds are calculated like combat adds but based only on IQ & LK (over 12); and Charisma functions as CON.] If the victim's Charisma is reduced to 5 or below, the ghost instills a terrible phobia; if CHA is reduced to zero, the ghost will either assume residency in the body or leave them a soulless zombie.
Ghoul / MR: 3d6 + 15 undead
These repellent, shambling humanoids are covered with decaying fur and scabby skin; they have babboonish faces and piercing, glowing eyes (these are Lovecraftian ghouls; c.f. Pickman's Model). They feast upon decaying corpses buried in unhallowed ground. They can only be struck by magic or silver weapons. Ghouls use no tools or weapons.
Personalized Ghoul Stats
ST × 3
IQ × 1/4
LK × 1/2
DX --
CHA × 4 (negative)
CON × 3
Mana --
Ghoul Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 3 × 3d6
Armor = 0
Atk = 3d + (4d6 adds)
CON = 3 × 4d6
Armor = 0
Atk = 3d + (6d6 adds)
1 in 6 will have disease.
Roll 2d6; on a 12, it knows all 1st level spells and has a Mana of 3d6.
CON = 3 × 6d6
Armor = 0
Atk = 4d + (6d6 adds)
Roll 2d6 - 8; that is its level of magic mastery, Mana = (2d6 × level)
Giant / MR: 2d6 × 20
Giants are dull-witted and dangerous -- this breed is always monstrously large ("lesser" giants are actually large ogres or trolls). They generally use a large rock or tree as a weapon. there are a very few smart giants; and these are particularly worrisome, for they
often manufacture armor and weapons for themselves. The attribute modifiers below are for a basic first level giant personality; if rolling for a random giant's personal attributes, first roll 2d6 to determine the ST and CON multiplier.
Personalized Giant Stats
ST × 5
IQ × 1/2
LK --
DX --
CHA × 5 (negative)
CON × 5
Mana na
Goblins / MR: 3d6
Unlike their cousins, the orcs and gremlins, goblins are truly dedicated to evil; they have sold out to the dark side and find joy only in harming others. As swarming monsters, they will be merciless and have a high morale. Treasure will usually take the form of poisons and unusual weapons.
Personalized Goblin Stats
ST × 3/4
IQ --
LK --
DX × 1.5
CHA × 1/2 (negative)
CON × 3/4
Mana --
Goblins have one natural magic:
Darkest Hour / (ST cost = 2+) / range: 100'
This will drain the light from any natural source except the sun; cost is 2 ST points per turn the light is quenched. When the spell is ended, the caster will actually glow with the stolen light for one turn.
Goblin Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 2d6
Armor = d6-2
Atk = 2d + (d6 adds)
CON = 2d6+3
Armor = 2 × d6
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
Missile adds = melee adds + d6; DX = 10 + (3d6)
1 in 6 will have curare.
CON = 2d6+8
Armor = 2 × 2d6
Atk = 4d + (3d6 adds)
Missile adds = melee adds + 2d6; DX = 15 + (3d6)
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: nothing
2: curare poison
3: rogue, he has one 12-point TTYF
4: a special poison…(GM's delight)
5: two-handed smasher: -5 pts armor, +5 adds, use a 6d weapon
6: roll twice
Goblin Shamans follow all the regular shamanic magic rules.
Gremlins / MR: 2d6
Gremlins are the smallest of the goblinoid kindreds. Rarely aggressive, they can still be a great threat when in defense of their squalid homes. They occasionally ride large lizard mounts as a sort of miniature cavalry. For their personal stats, see the Kindred section. Treasure found amongst them is generally very poor.
Gremlin Troops
Common Grunts
CON = d6+3
Armor = d6-2
Atk = 2d + (d6-1 adds)
CON = 2d6
Armor = 2 × d6
Atk = 3d + (d6 adds)
Missile adds = d6; DX = 3d6
1 in 6 will have curare.
CON = 2d6+3
Armor = 2 × 2d6
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
Missile adds = 2d6; DX = 5 + (3d6)
1 in 6 will have curare
1 in 6 will have a 4d weapon
1 in 6 will have 4d6 adds
Griffin / MR: 2d6 × 10 (doubles add & roll over)
Griffins are particularly attracted to horse-meat, but are dangerous in any case due to their highly aggressive character. Griffins appear in a great variety of types, the most precious of which is the golden gryphon. The body parts are prized by material magicians, particularly
the beak, claws, and feathers (the feathers of a golden gryphon make perfect scroll-writing implements).
Grokon / MR: 2d6 × 10
The Grokon is a wild boar the size of an ox. They a quite aggressive but the meat is usually very good.
By Scott McCartney
Hag / MR: ?
Hags are a general class of unkind female mystics, some living, others more like liches, some are former witches or wizards, others are merely uncharitable wretches who have fallen into the wiles of some twisted demigod. They are more or less mortal and can be
harmed by ordinary weapons, although many of them will have magical protections of various kinds. Most hags will have the ability to control mystically a kind of weather or element or animal. Nearly all have some sort of attribute drain attack.
Many hags make a sort of Mental Attack; their Mental-MR equals 2d6 (doubles add & roll again) times five. The victim must fight back using Mental Combat ability [Warriors throw 3 dice, Warrior-Wizards & Kung Fu Fighters roll 4 dice, Wizards get one die per level, everyone else uses 2 dice; adds are calculated like combat adds but based only on IQ & LK (over 12); and Charisma functions as CON]. If they defeat a victim (reduce CHA to zreo), they will either transfer permanently 2d6 points of their chosen attribute, or enslave the
victim as a mindless zombie.
A few hags may be created as ordinary magic-users with full access to the standard wizardly spells. Most hags should have special magical abilities individually rolled for them.
Harpy / MR: 2d6 × 5
Harpies are ferocious and vengeful -- they will steal food and occasionally babies as well. They do, however, seem to serve some mysterious divine purpose, and it is well not to go hunting harpies, as this may draw the disapproval of Hera. Harpies have the magical ability to call forth a wind of (MR) or (IQ × 5) mph.
Personalized Harpy stats
ST × 1.5
IQ × 2/3
LK --
DX = 3
CHA × 2 (negative)
CON × 1.5
Mana na
Harvestman / MR: 2d6 × 25
Harvestmen are often presumed to be the result of some mad wizard's experiment. Actually, they are the spawn of an unholy union between an ancient spider demon and his high priestess. They appear roughly like monstrous human hands the size of an ox-cart, with fingers for legs and a fanged human skull for a face. Harvestmen frequently hunt in packs of d6; in the lair there will always be a...
Harvest Queen (MR = 2d6 × 50)
In combat, the harvestmen fight normally with MR, but if they ever score hits that exceed their opponent's DX, ST, and LK (compared separately, not combined), they do no damage but pin their victim in a crushing grip. The victim cannot fight back, but may break free with a L5 ST SR. On each round, the victim will take 2d6 crush damage and must make a L2 LK or DX SR to avoid being bitten. The venom of a harvestman causes quick putrefaction -- it does 2d6 to CON and instantly reduces Mana to zero; and any victim that survives the venom must make a L1 CON SR for each of ST, DX, & CON or lose one point permanently.
By Paul Jaquays
Hawk, Giant / MR: 4d6 × 2
Giant hawks are quite rare and are usually found among the highest mountains. They have a wingspan of 8 to 14 feet and prey upon goats, antelope, and the occasional humanoid.
Hell Maiden / MR: 3d6 × 4
The Hell Maidens are a product of some unsavory demigod. They have voluptuous bodies clothed only in chainmail but their heads are bare skulls. They normally wield 4d longswords and get 14 points of armor from their chainmail. They commonly ride undead horses and sometimes even Carrion, but Hell Maidens are not undead, nor are they demonic. They are immune to all mental magicks (including TTYF). Hell Maidens eat their victims.
By Dave Hargrave
Personalized Hell Maiden Stats
ST × 2
IQ --
LK --
DX × 1.5
CHA × 2 (negative)
CON × 1.5
Mana na
Hobbit, Black / MR: 3d6
Black Hobbits are halflings who have turned sour -- they are not so much evil as hateful, spiteful, vengeful, greedy, nasty, and downright ugly. They are far too quarrelsome to gather into communities and are usually found in very small gangs. They are infamous for the use of poisoned and diseased weapons. MR rated Black Hobbit swarms will attack without warning or reason, but have poor morale. The personalized stats of a black Hobbit are the same as for regular, nice hobbits.
Although greedy, they have terrible taste; treasure may sometimes be significant, but is often merely bizarre collections of garbage.
Black Hobbit Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 2 × 3d6
Armor = d6-2
Atk = 2d + (d6 adds)
CON = 2 × 4d6
Armor = 2 × d6
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
Missile adds = (regular adds) + d6; DX = 10 + 3d6
1 in 6 will have curare.
1 in 6 will have pepper blade venom (halves personal adds).
CON = 2 × 4d6
Armor = 2 × 2d6
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
Missile adds = (regular adds) + 2d6; DX = 15 + (3d6)
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: no special
2: curare poison
3: pepper poison
4: diseased; anyone wounded must make a L2 CON SR
5: marskman; missile adds = 15+2d6, DX = 25+3d6
6: roll twice
Hydra / MR: 2d6 × 20
The hydra is not, as some believe, a relative of dragons. It is a unique magical species with some unknown relations to the gods. Hydras normally have 7 heads, and although two do not grow to replace one, the hydra does have a phenomenal regenerative capacity. The hydra is immune to all forms of poison and can regenerate (d6 × 5) points per round. Each head can act independently or in concert (divide the MR by 7 to determine the combat roll for an individual head).
Killwing / MR: d3 × 10
This is a furry bat-like creature with big teeth and a three-foot wingspan. It seeks to stun its prey with a sonic blast and then carry them off. They are a particular danger to fairies. Their sonic blast does nonlethal damage depending upon range: make a CON SR at the
level indicated by the range and take hits equal to how much the roll was missed by:
0 - 10': L3
11 - 20': L2
20 - 30': L1
By C. Bigglestone
Kittyhawk / MR: 4d6
These have the body of a bobcat and the wings & tail of a hawk; they are sometimes found in flocks of d6. Their normal attack is a dive, which doubles their adds.
By Sean Cleary
Lamia / MR: 2d6 × 10
The Lamiae are either the creations or children of the goddess/creature Lamia. Either way, they are sacred to her. The goddess Lamia is a treacherous deity with few followers, her rituals involve infant sacrifices and bloody orgies. The "common" Lamiae that adventurers are likely to run up against are a race of truly evil creatures, all female, with the lower body of a huge serpent. They are venomous; their poison attacks DX and ST simultaneously, doing 2d6 to each. Lamia characters may take any class.
Personalized Lamia Stats
ST × 2.5
IQ --
LK × 1/2
DX --
CHA × 2 (negative)
CON × 2
Mana × 1.5
Lemure / CON: 2d6 × 5 undead
The lemure is a loathsome abomination that is sometimes mistaken for a decayed corpse lying in some refuse heap. It has mouldering green skin that appears leprous, and solid red eyes which glow like coals. Anyone seeing a lemure must make a L1 IQ SR, or halve their
IQ & LK due to fear. It does not attack to damage a victim, but simply to touch them. A touched victim must make a L2 LK SR or be frozen helpless.
Once the lemure is alone with a victim, it will initiate a Mental Attack; its Mental-MR equals 8d6. The victim must fight back using Mental Combat ability [Warriors throw 3 dice, Warrior-Wizards & Kung Fu Fighters roll 4 dice, Wizards get one die per level, everyone else uses 2 dice; adds are calculated like combat adds but based only on IQ & LK (over 12); and Charisma functions as CON]. If it succeeds, the lemure fades away and the victim takes its place. Lemures can only by struck by silver or magic weapons.
By Steve Davies
Lich / MR: ? undead
A Lich is an undead sorcerer; a wizard who so hated or feared death that he or she used ancient, forbidden secrets to preserve the body beyond death and seal the soul within. They should be individually crafted as wizards of at least 16th level; however, some of their
magical abilities may not survive in their new form -- they may lose spell levels, points of IQ or DX, or knowledge of certain spells.
Liches are undead spirits and can only be harmed by magical or silver weapons. Despite retaining their intelligence and personality, they no longer "interface" through their mortal brains in quite the same way, and are thus immune to mental magicks (including TTYF).
Liches have no maximum Mana limit, they may store as many points as they wish. However, liches cannot recover Mana naturally. In order to gain Mana points, a lich must eat the brains of a humanoid, drink the blood of a fairy or unicorn or mystical creature, or eat the flesh of a demon (all these must be within three hours of death). Each such "meal" provides 1d6 Mana points per victim's level or MR/10. Also, a lich may gain 2d6 Mana points be removing his own heart and bathing it in still waters that are reflecting the moon (only one such bath per night is allowed).
Lion, Fire / MR: 2d6 × 10
Fire Lions are just like regular lions, but they have deep crimson hides with brilliant scarlet manes (an undamaged pelt is worth up to 12,000 gp in the south, 4-6,000 in the north). In addition to their fangs and claws, Fire Lions can also breath fire once per turn, (use dice & adds equal to one fourth its full MR). They dislike water and will be irritated and confused by rain.
By Pavel Curtis and Chris Rolls
Manticore / MR: 2d6 × 20
The Manticore's of T&T have the head of a man with three rows of teeth, the body of a lion, and a tail like a scorpion. It is very fast, can leap great distances, and has a strong desire for humanoid flesh. 1 in 6 are magic-users, with all first level spells and a Mana of 4d6. Its poison is quite painful and deadly; it will do x points to CON for y rounds (x = MR/20, y = MR/10).
Minotaur / MR: 2d6 × 5
Minotaurs are mostly solitary, and although aggressive and violence-prone, they are not considered evil or dangerous. When a minotaur berserker attacks an unsuspecting party, half the time he is only looking for a good fight and won't actually kill anybody. Do not, however, mistake this for low morale; an enraged minotaur is every bit as stubborn and deadly as a bull. For their personalized stats, see the Kindred section.
Minotaur Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 10 + 3d6
Armor = d6-2
Atk = 3d + (3d6 adds)
CON = 12 + 4d6
Armor = 2 × d6
Atk = 4d + (4d6 adds)
Missile adds = 2d6; DX = 3d6
2 in 6 will have a two-handed 6d weapon.
1 in 6 will have an extra d6 adds.
CON = 15 + 4d6
Armor = 2 × 2d6
Atk = 5d + (5d6 adds)
Missile adds = 2d6; DX = 4d6
Plus roll 1d6 for specials:
1: no special
2: double the armor
3: bruiser; +10 CON, +5 Adds, 6d weapon
4: berserk; never fails morale, immune to charm-type magicks
5: an extra 2d6 adds
6: roll twice
Morghoul / MR: 2d6 × 5 undead
The Morghoul is the rare result of some very wicked attempts to preserve life or cheat death. It appears like a thick green-yellow fog in humanoid shape. It can only be struck by silver or magical weapons. If the Morghoul succeeds in moving over someone (L1 DX SR to avoid), that person is inflicted with a rotting disease which prevents any CON recovery except through magic. When attacked by weapons that can harm it, the Morghoul fights normally; and anyone taking hits from the morghoul will be inflicted with the rotting disease. The disease can be shaken off naturally if the victim makes a L5 CON SR the following sunrise; otherwise, it will take a L6 Healing Feeling.
By Dave Hargrave
Mummy / MR: d6 × 10 undead
The average mummy is only a fair fighter; they are too slow and clumsy to be a threat to anyone capable of running away. They may be struck by normal weapons and are also highly flammable. They are, however, immune to all mental magicks, take no damage from
any missile weapon, and maintain their full fighting MR until all their (CON) MR is gone.
Mutant, Slime / MR: 2d6 × 2d6
Slime Mutants appear in the environs of Rum Lake and its outlet during the months of February & March. They wash down from the Stinking Swamp every spring, bringing random destruction until the warmth and salty waters destroy them. They are usually mindless, and take only one hit point from any missile weapon hit. They may at random have disease or magical effects.
Ogre / MR: 4d6 × 2
Ogres may be brutish and ugly, but are generally not quite as stupid as some would believe. They frequently use armor and weapons, and can band together in crude military formations. For their personalized stats, see the Kindred section. Ogres get four points of armor from their tough hide.
Orcs / MR: 4d6
Orcs are brutal, violent, and immature, but not necessarily evil. What causes them to be such a threat is their love of a good "scrap" and the fact that something unbroken & uncorrupted seriously offends their sense of aesthetics. For their personal stats, see the Kindred section.
Orc Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 3d6
Armor = 2 × (d6-2)
Atk = 3d + (d6 adds)
CON = 3d6+3
Armor = 2 × d6
Atk = 4d + (2d6 adds)
Missile adds = 2d6; DX = 3d6
1 in 6 will have curare.
CON = 3d6+8
Armor = 2 × 2d6
Atk = 4d + (4d6 adds)
Missile adds = 3d6; DX = 5 + (3d6)
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: no special
2: curare poison
3: Spider Venom poison
4: bruiser; +5 CON, +10 armor, 6d weapon
5: rogue; one 10-pt TTYF
6: roll twice
Owl, Giant Golden / MR: 3d6 × 5
Giant Golden Owls are quite intelligent, although still fairly normal animals. Their favorite food is gremlin or goblin; they will occasionally take a hobbit, but they seem to have a genuine dislike for the evil types and prey on them in preference to anything else. They are immune to mental and emotional persuasion magicks (not including TTYF). They also have the curious ability to channel an electric shock through their talons -- they may do so (d6) times per day, and doing so will quadruple any hits scored that round (electrical hits are non-lethal).
By Dave Hargrave
Rats / MR: 5 swarms: d6 × 10
There is a 1 in 6 chance that the rats bear a disease.
Rats, Giant / MR: 3d6
Giant Rats normally come in gangs of one or two d6.
Roc / MR: 3d6 × 25
Rocs are exceedingly rare -- because of their monstrous size, they can prey only upon mammoth, grokon, whales, and the like. They lair in the high mountains, but their great wings can take them to virtually anywhere.
Sabrecats / MR: 2d6 × 5, or 3d6 × 10
Sabre-Toothed tigers come in several varieties. Many are small, about the size of leopard, and prey upon small game. The classic giant sabrecats are larger than tigers and weigh several hundred pounds -- they prey upon mammoth, grokon, and humanoids. The hide of the larger variety is worth up to 800 gp in good condition.
Salamander / MR: *
The Salamander is a small reptile of fearsome reputation. It is completely immune to flame and heat, and even will extinguish a campfire if it strolls through one. The skin retains its qualities when removed -- it cannot even be heated by flame, let alone harmed. Many other parts of the Salamander are valued by wizards and alchemists. However, of all creatures, the Salamander has the deadliest venom -- a single bite will cause 3d6 CON hits per round
for d6 combat rounds (a L3 CON SR will reduce the damage to 1d6 per round).
Scorpion / MR: *
To avoid a standard scorpion's sting requires a L1 DX SR. The poison is painful, and attacks DX, subtracting d6 points for d6 (10 minute) turns. A L1 CON SR must be made each of those turns to avoid the damage.
Shadowjack / MR: 4d6
Shadowjacks are semi-magical humanoids. They can disappear into any shadow and reappear from any connected shadow. Plus, while in the shadow, all hits will be healed. If the shadowjack's own shadow touches another person, no magic cast by that person can affect the shadowjack. All shadowjacks are treated as if they were rogues, and are automatically capable of handling all magicks below their own level. Shadowjacks are villainous in character, but have a stern code of honor and will keep their word, not harm the defenseless, etc. However, they are second only to dwarves in cherishing grudges.
Shadowjack Personal Stats
ST --
IQ × 1.5
LK × 1/2
DX --
CHA × 1.5 (negative)
CON --
Mana --
Skeleton / MR: 2d6 × 5 undead
Skeleton warriors are the favorites of necromancers and undead lords. They can be struck by ordinary weapons, but are not good targets for missile weapons. All missile to-hit SRs are doubled in level when firing at a skeleton, and if you score a hit, you will not get personal adds (there is a practical limit to how much damage one missile can do to a skeleton).
Skeleton Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 20
Armor = 5 point shield
Atk = 3d + 4
CON = 40
Armor = 5 point shield
Atk = 4d + 10
1 in 6 will have chainmail cuirass, +6 armor
CON = 50
Armor = 8 point cuirass
Atk = 6d + 16
Missile adds = 10; DX = 20
Snakes, common / MR: 2d6
To avoid a snake's strike requires a L3 DX SR, reduce by one level if you have a shield, reduce by another level it you have full armor. Most snake venoms attack ST, doing d6 points for d3 turns (a L1 CON SR on each turn will prevent damage, but you'll still be sick). One in six is a death viper whose poison does 2d6 for d6 turns.
Snake, Metal Cobra / MR: 64 armor: 16
This curious construct is immune to all poison, heat & cold attacks, and mental magicks (including TTYF), and ordinary arrows. Its poison is a searing acid that causes convulsions unless a L4 CON SR is made; in any case, all personal adds are lost. It will drag its victims
to a lair, where there may be much treasure.
Snake, Syren / MR: 4d6
The Syren is a winged serpent of the desert. It moves swiftly and can fly faster than a running horse. Its venom causes 1d6 to ST, but if a L1 CON SR is not made, the victim will fall immediately unconcious.
Snake, Winged Viper / MR: 2d6 × 5
This viper will swoop down and attempt to enwrap one victim -- if they fail a L2 DX SR, they are completely pinned. They then must make a L2 LK SR to avoid the bite -- the poison causes immediate weakness (STR = 2, lasts one hour) unless a L2 CON SR is made;
plus the CON damage from the venom is one point per turn for 3d6 turns.
Sphinx / MR: 3d6 × 5
Sphinx's are very intelligent, but do not use magic. They are badly addicted to riddles and similar puzzles -- if they lose such a contest, they must do the bidding (one time only) of the victor. However, if they win, the loser is at her mercy (this usually involves being throttled and eaten). Sphinx's are not aggressive, but can be quite vengeful if wronged.
Personalized Sphinx Stats
ST × 1.5
IQ × 2
LK --
DX = 3
CHA × 2 (negative)
CON --
Mana na
Spider, Giant / MR: 3d6 × 5
Giant Spiders come in nearly as many varieties as the smaller sort. They trap or hunt in the same manner as the smaller versions. Except for special breeds, spider venom attacks the ST, causing 2d6 hits (half that if the victim makes a L2 CON SR). Giant Spiders are also
immune to any venom.
Squonk / MR: 10 IQ: d3+2
A Squonk looks like a severely diseased chinchilla; it is twisted and covered with boils and sores. Because of its profound ugliness, the poor thing has a persecution complex. It collects shiny objects ("pretty stuff") in its lonely den and will only burst into tears when
intruders disturb it. It will whine about peoples stealing its pretties and beating up on it because it is ugly -- it is truly very sad. It is also very defenseless, but any being who treats a Squonk poorly will permanently lose one point of LK.
Tiger, Flying / MR: 3d6 × 5
Flying Tigers normally attack while on the wing; they can produce (3d6) fireballs each day, and can spit one per round (L3 DX SR to avoid getting hit) -- the fireballs do 2d6 damage and are vaguely napalm-like; they will not burn for a long period but their great heat will ignite any flammables.
By R. P. Smith
Treeman / MR: 4d6 × 2d6
Treemen are a very strange and patient race; only the mysterious druids seem to know anything about them. They are very rare and usually solitary. They can be difficult to distinguish from real trees and there is no guarantee that they will behave any differently.
They serve their own purposes and rarely communicate with other races, although they have been known to speak most languages. They may, in fact, be immortal, and elder treemen have been rumored to grow over a hundred feet in height.
Treemen are flammable, of course, but take no extra damage from flame attacks. Their bark is worth eight points of armor, and like dragons, treemen are immune to magicks cast by anyone with an IQ lower than their own.
Personalized Treeman Stats
ST × 4
IQ × 2
LK --
DX × 1/2
CHA × 2 (negative)
CON × 6
Mana --
Trivern / MR: 2d6 × 3d6
Triverns appear much like a wyvern, except for the three heads and three stingered tails. The three tails will attempt to strike in addition to the trivern's regular combat roll. Each targeted victim must make a L3 LK or DX SR to avoid being hit (make it a L5 SR if the target is actively fighting the trivern). The stinger automatically penetrates all but full plate armor and does 3d6 directly to CON, no SR. For each third of its MR it loses, the trivern loses the use of one head and one tail.
By Dave Hargrave
Troll / MR: 3d6 × 5
Trolls are impressive rock spirits in humanoid form. They can and do use weapons and tools, although rarely armor. They get a LK SR at the level of the spell versus any magic used against them. If they are struck by direct sunlight, they will be turned to stone, although if not smashed they will be restored at nightfall.
Personalized Troll Stats
ST × 3
IQ --
LK --
DX --
CHA × 4 (negative)
CON × 3
Mana × 1/2
Troll, Fire / MR: 4d6 × 5
These follow all the rules for regular trolls, but Fire Trolls glow a dull red and have a body temperature like red hot iron. They are of course immune to flame and heat, and immersion in fire or lava will heal them (a Blasting Power spell will heal rather than harm). They fear
cold, but take only normal damage from cold attacks. Because of their great heat, they can double their dice (not adds) versus any opponent who is not immune to heat damage.
By Dan Pierson
Vampires / MR: 4d6 × 3 undead
Vampires are exactly as represented in the Hammer films, they can usually be classed as rogues. The have a regenerative ability -- they recover CON hits equal to their LK every round.
Most vampires also have a Mental Attack; their Mental Combat roll is calculated as for regular characters, but they roll 6 dice. [Warriors throw 3 dice, Warrior-Wizards & Kung Fu Fighters roll 4 dice, Wizards get one die per level, everyone else uses 2 dice; adds are calculated like combat adds but based only on IQ & LK (over 12); and Charisma functions as CON]. Anyone whose CHA is reduce to 3 or less by a vampire is completely under their control.
Personalized Vampire Stats
ST × 2.5
IQ × 1.5
LK × 1.5
DX --
CHA -- (negative)
CON --
Mana --
Vorpal Bunny / CON = 5
The vorpal bunny is a peaceable, little white fluffy creature except when its territory is invaded. It will then attack by swift leaps and slash the throats of its victims with great fangs. Each round, it will select one target and make an attack. The target must make a DX
SR, regardless of armor, how high a level they make determines the outcome of the attack:
L4: saved
L3: 3d6 damage (armor protects)
L2:1d6 damage (no armor)
L1: 2d6 damage (no armor)
failed: 3d6 damage (no armor)
fumbled: instant decapitation
In order to score any hits on a vorpal bunny, a fighter must first make a L6 DX SR; if they fail to make even a L1, they must instead make their full combat roll and apply it against whoever was this turn's target of the bunny. Vorpal bunnies are also curiously immune to all mental magicks (including TTYF), and any magicks cast by a person whose IQ is not a multiple of three.
Wargs / MR: 3d6 × 5 armor: 4
Wargs are the descendants of the ancient Dire Wolves, the lord of canines. Not only are they stronger and meaner than a regular wolf, they are much smarter. If they score any hits on a person, the victim must make a L3 DX or ST SR or be pounced upon and driven to the
White Fang / MR: 2d6 × 5
White Fangs are reptilian canines, roughly like great danes with light, scaly skin and two pearl white fangs. If they score any hits, they can inject a milky venom (L2 CON SR or fall asleep for d6 hours).
By Pavel Curtis
Wight / MR: ? undead
A mound wight is one of the most fearsome undead monsters known. Only humans and Dark Elves who have moved on the wrong paths and worshipped the wrong things ever become wights. Each one is an individual with unique magic items and spells. All wights appear as pale spirits dressed in pale, moonstone-like plate armor (20 points of protection versus all attacks). They can only be struck by magic or mithril weapons (not ordinary silver). Each has wizardly powers up to level = (d6, if you roll a six, add & roll over).
They also may use Mental Attack -- figure Mental Combat ability and adds according to stats, and they roll (2d6) dice. A mental attack is made against one victim, who must fight back with Mental Combat [Warriors throw 3 dice, Warrior-Wizards & Kung Fu Fighters roll 4 dice, Wizards get one die per level, everyone else uses 2 dice; adds are calculated like combat adds but based only on IQ & LK (over 12); and Charisma functions as CON]. A victim whose CHA is reduced to zero by a wight is quite simply dead. The stats below are static; wights do not increase in level.
Mound Wight Stats
ST × 2
IQ × 1.5
LK × 2
DX × 1.5 (× 3 if elf)
CHA × 5 (negative)
CON × 3
Mana × (d6)
Adapted from Dan Pierson
Wizard / MR: ?
Most of the wizards encountered in an adventure should be deliberate NPCs, created as per the normal procedures. However, an emergency wizard generator can be found in the Tunnels & Trolls HQ PDF, available for download from the 'archive' home page.
Wolf / MR: 2d6 × 4
Wolves run in packs of (1d6) dice; and are very rarely led by a Warg.
Wolf, Flying / MR: 2d6 × 4
Flying wolves are very similar to regular wolves, except for their ecological niche. They are rare, and a full set of feathers from a mature specimen can be worth up to 2,000 gp.
Wolf, Ice / MR: 3d6 × 5
Ice Wolves may actually be a form of elemental. They appear only in cold weather, and are more frequent during and after bitter storms. They appear to be made of tightly packed snow, with icy eyes and fangs. Cold and cold attacks heal rather than harm them. They take
only normal damage from heat attacks, but cannot exist if the temperature is above 40°F. Anyone taking hits from an ice wolf must make a L1 CON SR or lose d6 points of DX to the cold.
By Wayne Shaw
Wraith / MR: psychic undead
Wraiths may appear in many forms, from dust-devils to lifelike figures. They are all immune to all mental magicks (including TTYF) and can only be struck by silver or magic weapons. All wraiths attack only through mental combat. Their Mental-MR equals (2d6, doubles add & roll again) times 5.
A mental attack is made against a single victim, who fights back with Mental Combat [Warriors throw 3 dice, Warrior-Wizards & Kung Fu
Fighters roll 4 dice, Wizards get one die per level, everyone else uses 2 dice; adds are calculated like combat adds but based only on IQ & LK (over 12); and Charisma functions as CON]. If a wraith reduces a victim to zero CHA, they will absorb all experience and memories permanently.
Wyvern / MR: 2d6 × 2d6
Wyverns are distant and lesser cousins of the classic dragons. They have bat like wings and no forelimbs. They do not breath fire or use magic, but they can still be quite intelligent.
Personalized Wyvern Stats
ST × 3
IQ × 3
LK × 1/2
DX = 3
CHA × 4 (negative)
CON × 5
Mana na
Zombie / MR: d6 × 5 undead
Zombies are unfortunate, mindless slaves. They can be struck by ordinary weapons, but severed parts will continue to be active.
Zombie Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 3 × 3d6
Armor = d6 - 2
Atk = 2d + (d6 adds)
CON = 3 × 4d6
Armor = d6
Atk = 3d + (d6 adds)
1 in 6 will have chainmail cuirass, +6 armor